Data and reporting: more timely, accurate and insightful

Innovation -

We’ve listened to you and understand your need for high-quality and accurate data and reporting from your insurer. To meet this need, we’re investing in our data capabilities to provide better quality reporting and insights to give you more clarity and confidence.

In an evolving market landscape and in a highly regulated superannuation industry, we know how important it is for trustees to:

  • understand how TAL is performing against the service commitments we make to you
  • get transparency on the insurance outcomes and experience we’re providing to your members. 

Delivering timely, accurate, and insightful data and reporting is therefore a critical component of our insurance proposition for our partners. 

What we’ve been doing

With increasing regulatory data requirements, and in response your feedback, we’ve reviewed our data strategy and have been working to enhance our reporting capabilities and features.

  • Investing in our data capabilities. Our investment in a new enterprise data platform and analytics tools allows us to ingest broader data sets and surface faster insights, including metrics across our portfolio. 
  • Improving data quality and accuracy.  We’re enhancing the quality and accuracy of our data by standardising definitions to ensure consistency between regulatory and operational reporting and give you greater confidence.  
  • Enhancing data visualisations in reporting. We’ve reviewed the way we present information and are introducing new visualisations to help you interpret information more easily through our regular operations reporting.

What this means for you 

  • Our reporting will be more meaningful and easier to digest. 
  • Your TAL Partnership Manager will have access to advanced data insights through a new reporting platform.  
  • These deeper insights will support you in making more informed decisions. 

Next steps

From October, you’ll start to see changes to our claims reporting, with a program to deliver a series of enhancements over the next 12–18 months. Your TAL Partnership Manager will keep you informed, but don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like to know more. 


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